First of all, I would like to thank you for reading this page. It means that you like my work, at least a bit. More over, the fact that you are potentally interested in supporting me means a lot to me !
I made this website to share my explorations pictures to everyone and let anyone appreciate it. Thus, I would like to make you travel in another world, so close and so far. This is an abandoned world, forgotten by human people and made of ruins, but full of grace and poetry. If I have been able to make you escape, even just a few moment, my goal is reached.
In order to let you enjoy the moment on my website, you may have noticed that there is no advertising and that nothing is charged. However, to offer you high quality contents, it takes me a lot of time. Plus, equipment and explorations may be expensive. That is why, it would make me very happy if you could support my work.
There are currently three different ways of supporting me :
- Free ways
- Buy an item in my shop
- Order my photographies
Free support
This is not a problem if you don’t have the possibility to spend money. There are a lot of wonderful ways to help me. Even if they may seem pointless to you, they truly help me :
- Talk about my work around you, to your family, to your friends and show them my website to give them the will of exploring it.
- Follow me on social media to be aware of all my news.
- Like and comment on my posts on social media. Even if I don’t always seems like it, I truly like to exchange with you and get your feedbacks.
- Share links to my website, or my accounts on social media, on the platforms you usually use.
- Share my pictures and posts on social media and tag me on it to let your network discover my work.
You may have seen it already. I have a little shop on my website. You will find there some items that will make you escape from your everyday life. I only receive a little percentage on books and sweatshirts but that helps me to get regular, even if little, revenues.
In the future I will try to add items to this shop to offer you more different contents. By the way, I you would like to see a specific item in the shop, do not hesitate to tell me about it !
If you are willing to add an artistic touch to your living room, as well as a perfume of adventure, my photographies are available on different sizes and frames. If you are interested in a picture, contact me and I will make you a quotation fitting your desire. Photographies are my less regular sales, it has a cost and I am aware of it, but this is also the best way for me to earn a revenue.
whatever the way you choose to support me, I thank you from the bottom of the heart. Supporting me is mainly a way to show me that my work is worth it and that you like it. It gives me the will and motivation to continue to give you my best to give you an opportunity to escape through my work.

Thank you all !