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RATP retirement home

I have to confess that when I go out to explore, I alway want to bring back some nice pictures.
It makes good memories but also allows me to have this website or even an Instagram account. However this not the most important thing there. Sometimes pictures don’t show exactly what I saw. They don’t reproduce the emotions and feelings I felt.
That was the case of this retirement home : that’s why there are so few pictures in this article.
This day, we were just two of us and it was the adventure. We walked a lot, climbed and met unfriendly dogs.
This is really difficult to broadcast all these elements in pictures, even more when there’s just the building on them. Then we have to accept memories to stay somewhere at the back of our minds, just for us…

Other explorations

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Loneliness castle
Loneliness castle
Ivy stairway I
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Quarries hospital
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Henri Maréchal hospital